February 3rd, 1983 Following the six-month shutdown of abortion services at the Moncton Hospital, pro-choice advocates in the province saw the need for an organized opposition to the New..Read More
January 14, 1983 After six months – during which public discussion about abortion provision reached new heights – the Moncton Hospital officially resumed abortion services. Click the..Read More
January 7, 1983 Madeline LeBlanc, chairperson of the New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women gave an interview to the Telegraph Journal in which she announced the..Read More
July 1, 1982 On July 1, 1982, the Moncton Hospital’s OBGYN Department issued a public announcement that they would be discontinuing abortion services for a period of six months..Read More
April 17, 1982 The Charter altered the political discourse in Canada on a wide variety of subjects. It also provided the foundation for Dr. Morgentaler’s successful 1988 challenge to..Read More
January 1977 The final report of the Committee on the Operation of the Abortion Law was presented to the federal government in January 1977. The report is frequently referred..Read More
December 17, 1975 The Hatfield Conservative government passed the Council on the Status of Women Act, which created a bilingual body “for study and consultation” to advise the government..Read More
November 1974 The Canadian Association for the Repeal of the Abortion Laws (CARAL) was founded by pro-choice feminists including Norma Scarborough, June Callword, Kay Macpherson, Lorna Grant, Eleanor Wright..Read More
1972 After the Hôtel Dieu Hospital Board refused to set up a Therapeutic Abortion Committee (TAC) on religious grounds, Planned Parenthood New Brunswick (PPNB) set up the province’s only..Read More
January 8, 1971 The first reference to the creation of a Therapeutic Abortion Committee (TAC) at the Moncton Hospital appeared in their January 8, 1971 by-law amendment, which..Read More