June 28th, 1994 Dr. Morgentaler opened his Fredericton, NB clinic in June 1994 and on the 28th, he performed the first five abortions there. On the same day, the..Read More
September 30th, 1993 Following a prolonged legal battle between the government of Nova Scotia and Dr. Morgentaler, the Supreme Court of Canada found in favour of Dr. Morgentaler that..Read More
January 31st, 1991 The Senate defeats Bill C-43 in a tie vote. Click the image below to see the enlarged version. Temporary photo Click the circles below..Read More
May 29, 1990 The House of Commons passed Bill C-43. If passed into law, C-43 would have imposed criminal sanctions for doctors who provided abortions not deemed “medically necessary” to..Read More
October 2nd, 1989 A small group of members of the clergy held an anti-abortion protest outside of the Moncton City Hospital. Prior to the Supreme Court of Canada’s overturning..Read More
May 24, 1989 In March of 1989, the government of Nova Scotia made legal amendments similar to those in New Brunswick, which prohibited the provision of, and denied funding for,..Read More
April 30, 1988 Hosted by Choix NB Choice, an organization consisting of approximately ninety members in Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton, the Forum on Abortion was intended to be..Read More
April 3, 1988 The anti-abortion organization New Brunswick Right to Life Association (NBRTLA) organized a rally in front of the Legislature in Fredericton on Easter Sunday. 2000 people were..Read More
February 12th, 1988 After the Supreme Court struck down s 251 of the Criminal Code, Premier McKenna called on the federal government to regulate abortion nationally, but that did..Read More
May 5, 1989 Following their loss in Morgentaler v New Brunswick (1989), McKenna’s Liberal government added abortions to the Reg. 84-20, Sched 2 list of services that are not covered..Read More