May 14, 1969 P.E. Trudeau’s Liberal government passed the Criminal Law Amendment Act. The bill amended the Criminal Code by partially decriminalizing abortion, along with homosexuality, and birth control…Read More
1967 The Liberal federal government, under the leadership of Canada’s 16th Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, convened a committee to explore the possibility of amending the Canadian Criminal Code..Read More
October 26, 1970 Richard Hatfield, Conservative leader was elected Premier and served from 1970-1987. He opposed abortion and actively sought to prevent Dr. Morgentaler from opening a freestanding clinic..Read More
June 27, 1985 Shortly after Dr. Morgentaler sent a letter to the province offering to collaborate with the province to open a clinic to address the need for abortions,..Read More
February 12th, 1988 Following the Supreme Court’s strike down of the 1969 Abortion Law, Premier Frank McKenna attempted to call on the federal government to regulate abortion nationally. It..Read More
April 19th, 1985 Dr. Morgentaler wrote to the New Brunswick Minister of Health, Charles G. Gallagher, to propose a pilot project to open a Medicare funded abortion clinic in..Read More
September 28th, 1982 Birthright is a Catholic anti-abortion organization that was founded in Toronto in 1968. Dr. Everett Chalmers, for whom Fredericton’s main hospital is named, was a member of..Read More
February 22nd, 1988 Dr. Victor D. McLaughlin, Registrar of the New Brunswick College of Physicians and Surgeons issued a memorandum on abortion entitled “Regarding the Abortion Controversy” to College..Read More
September 29, 1975 Commissioned by Privy Council on September 29, 1975, the Committee on the Operation of the Abortion Law was chaired by medical sociologist Dr. Robin Badgley. The..Read More
November 6, 1970 In a document described as a “legal opinion” prepared for the New Brunswick Association of Registered Nurses (NBARN) the unnamed authors argued that the TAC..Read More