May 21, 2009 The Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed the province’s appeal of Dr. Morgentaler’s public interest standing.
October 28, 2008 In 2008, a Fredericton-based doctor filed a human rights complaint with the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission. This complaint addressed the barriers to abortion provision in..Read More
August 1, 2008 After a 15-month wait since the hearing, the judge granted Dr. Morgentaler public interest standing, permitting his lawsuit to proceed. The province appealed.
May 16, 2007 The Rally was organized by an ad hoc group, Abortion Access (NB), with support from: The Morgentaler Clinic, Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre, Law Students for..Read More
September 18, 2006 Shawn Graham, Liberal leader elected Premier. Served until September 2010.
May 2006 In May 2006, the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital (DECH) in Fredericton announced that it would stop providing abortions due to “physician-resource issues.” At that time the DECH..Read More
June 7, 1999 Bernard Lord, Conservative leader elected Premier, with campaign focus on bilingualism, small government, and tax cuts. Served until October 3, 2006.
May 2, 1998 Camille Thériault was elected Liberal Leader on May 2 and appointed Premier on May 14, 1998. Served until June 21, 1999.
April 22, 1994 On April 22nd, Dr. Morgentaler instituted a legal challenge to Reg. 84-20 and to the 1985 amendments to the NB Medical Act that prohibited abortions outside..Read More
March 11, 1994 Dr. Morgentaler received his New Brunswick medical license on March 11. Source: Morgentaler v New Brunswick (Attorney General), [1994] NBJ No 342